1. Never start out in music from what you’re not good at. There is something you know, something you’re good at and known for. There’s something you have mastered- let that be your launching pad while you learn the rest along the way. Your relevance is tied to what you know and can do, not what you’re trying to learn. People will only pay you for what you know not what you’re trying to learn.
2. Doing music is more than singing. Its true everyone wants to sing. The ecstatic feeling of holding the mic and having the spotlight on you is indeed intoxicating. But there are many areas in music which your talent can be good for. There are songwriters, producers, sound engineers, dancers, record labels, videography.. Just to list a few. Truth is all these are in the field. Everyone trying to sing makes other areas suffer.
3. Build relationships. Talent is really not the main thing in this industry. Its OK to be gifted and talented but if no one likes you or recommends you, you won’t achieve much. Don’t become an approval addict though, but build relationships. Build strong bonds with people BELOW you, ABOVE you and AT your level. Relate well with people.
4. Build your skills gradually. The Music industry runs on skill. When I say skill I mean what you can do EXCELLENTLY. If you’re good at nothing, if you don’t STAND OUT at anything you will just be lost among the masses of Musicians. Developing skill will take time but its worth it. Don’t just be a singer, be a skillful one. Don’t just be a songwriter, be a skillful songwriter. Don’t just be a Music Director, be a skillful one.
5. Your music career will happen in PHASES. I know you have this big dream and this global vision but it won’t happen suddenly. You will achieve it in phases. Its been programmed that way so that you will be able to manage success. You won’t suddenly blow. It may look to outsiders like you came out suddenly but trust me, your “blowing” will happen in series of events and some of those events may even look like failures.
6. Everything is all about Perception. Perception is deliberately engineered. Many people see the greener grass in another persons compound because that’s what those people want you to see. You feel traveling to America will solve all your music and money problems but there are broke people and frustrated Musicians and mediocre choirs in UK and US as well. But that’s not what is being shown to many. What am I driving at, manage how people see you. Magnify your strengths, don’t expose your weaknesses except to a trusted source of help. Don’t put out all your laundry. Everyone doesn’t have to know everything about you that they don’t need. Packaging is not being fake. Packaging is Market Place Wisdom. Its the difference between Rice at a posh Eatery and the one being sold by the road side.
7. Humble yourself. For real there’s nothing new under the sun. Many people have been creative before you. Better people will still come. Humility makes you rise faster. Always give the glory back to the person who gave you the ability. What do you have that your were not given for free? Pride has a look, a tone of voice and a behavior. Don’t be too big in your own eyes- this however doesn’t mean you should allow people take you for granted
8. Connect to your generation. A Musician is only as relevant as their relevance. Speak to the hearts of the people still alive with your music not to the memories of those gone. Flow with the tide. Many Musicians are struggling because they are trying to give Cerelac to a 40 year old. Times have changed. Being Contemporary doesn’t mean singing western songs, it means doing “today’s” music and connecting with today’s people.
9. Whatever you secretly desire, don’t publicly oppose. There are certain levels some people secretly desire but they come out to castigate it. For example you know you secretly also love to he traveling everywhere to sing and perform. But because its not opening yet you come online to say ministry is not about traveling and platforms but about the secret place. Honor what you desire. Sow into it if you want but don’t disrespect it.
10. Remember to be grateful to those who were part of your dream when it was small, those who believed in you when ko one did, those who stuck with you when you were still unknown, those whose backs your rode to the top. Its sad that music folks easily forget where they started from. That choir gave you the platform but now they are old school so you don’t even acknowledge them anymore. Never be ungrateful. You might have outgrown them or maybe don’t need them anymore but still be grateful.
My name is Tommy Tush, the tall MD wey dey worry Music.