Blog Post Women Want Sex As Much As Men

Over the years, in many churches, we are always taught that men need sex more than women. But now, in many relationships, many Christian ladies want premarital sex more than men, under the guise of wanting to know if he can satisfy her sexually before they actually get married. Some also add it is part of expressing romance and love.

I remember a female friend telling me that many wives are complaining and frustrated because they’re not sexually satisfied in the marriages.

Asides videos by medical pros, all the online videos on herbs or smoothies to boost a man’s sexual performances are done by women.

I think these are evidences that women want sex as much as men, if not more. Churches teach it’s the man, and so many wives are dissatisfied.

This is partly why paternity fraud and unfaithful wives are many all over the society. There are many wives and singles women who want sexual satisfaction from whomever can give it to them.

The Bible has records of wives/women who were into adultery, e.g. Potifar’s wife and immoral women in Proverbs 5:3-8, Proverbs 6:20-35 and Proverbs 7:6-27.

Proverbs 5:3-8.
“For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil;
But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell.
Lest you ponder her path of life— her ways are unstable; You do not know them.
Therefore hear me now, my children, and do not depart from the words of my mouth.
Remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house,”

It is important for every good and godly man to know this, so they can walk circumspectly, for the good of their lives, their marriages and families. Also, so that a man can know what to expect of his wife sexually and be ready to meet her sexual need.

As it’s common knowledge that men can love fornication or adultery, let it be known that it’s same with women. Only men and women who love God desist, and always retraining themselves even when such “opportunities” show up, as it was with Joseph when Potiphar’s wife wanted sex with him.

Those who are faithful in their marriages, learn to satisfy and be satisfied by their spouse. Asides the bonding, they help cover each other from sexual temptation and meet each others desire for sex that way. Which is utterly godly. This understanding will help so many Christian marriages, now and in the future.

Both husband and wife need sexual satisfaction, and that is provided for in their marriage. As a child of God, you are meant to meet the sexual need of your spouse. This helps your union and helps your purposes in life, and in raising your children. You are meant to be truly one in spirit, soul and body.


– Ladi Adewumi

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