In our society, most of the graduates from a university or polytechnic don’t stay in the institution to be academic or non-academic staff.
In similar fashion, most Christians who have gone through some training in local church assemblies will not remain church workers all their lives. In the course of their walk with God, God will take them out of the local church assemblies and have them go focus more on things that will have direct impact on the society. That’s why many won’t need local church titles and positions in the course of fulfilling their God-given purposes.
They will spread across all spheres of influence; across industries, societies, business, economic sectors, etc.
It is the stage where one takes on more responsibility in the Father’s work as a son, stepping out to make the needed impact. To be the light of the world in that sphere of influence.
Some folks are already walking in that way. They come for local church meetings, but aren’t in the usual volunteer or paid workforce. They have a lot more to do for the Kingdom of God outside that local church assembly.
Like an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor or a teacher, they function as the work requires wherever God has called them to. Just like Jesus Christ!
Because right in the society the harvest is ready but the labourers are few. There’s so much work to be done.
At times, when a person is tired of regular church programmes, issues, politics, activities and needs to prayerfully find other avenues or platforms to truly do the Father’s work, and that might actually be the stage where one needs that transition from the local church assembly to the society or a specific community or sphere of influence.
What you need do it take time to pray and seek God’s instructions for the next move.
After all, your assignment or ministry or purpose is what God has called you to do.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, had a lot to do outside the synagogues in his time on the earth.
Acts 10:38
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”
So, stepping out of your local church assembly by the leading of the Holy Spirit in order to do the work God has assigned you is great.
You only need to careful not to be lured away from God’s purpose for you by the riches of this world; money, fame, pleasures, societal power, lust of the eyes, etc. Unfortunately, there are loads and loads of music artists, business men/women and politicians who have fallen prey to these things.
Be God’s light in a world overwhelmed by the kingdom of darkness in diverse ways across many communities.
Acts 13:47
“For so the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.’ ”
God wants all his sons to be light of the world (beyond church services, in the society). We need to be His light, taking His salvation everywhere by our good works, just like Jesus Christ did, in the demonstration of godly values with people and spiritual authority over the works of the kingdom of darkness.