It has crossed my mind severally, and I’m getting a better understand of it whenever I meditate on it.
As a Christian, you surely would have heard the words ‘fear of God‘ and ‘love of God‘ before, countless times. Both are useful for our faith, because they help us in our understand of our God and our relationship with him. But I’m coming to understand, that God would rather deal with us, his children, as a God to love than a God to fear.
Am I saying the ‘fear of God’ is bad? Definitely not! I see it more as a starting point for obedience and wisdom (Psa. 111:10, Pro. 1:7, Pro. 8:13, Pro. 9:10). It helps you to stay clear from evil deeds, disobeying the commandments of God. The books of Psalms and Proverbs has a lot to say about the ‘fear of the Lord’, which is actually very good.
I have also looked into the ‘love of God’, (Deut. 6:5, Deut 30:20, Psa. 31:23). I have come to discover that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, talked about loving him or loving the Lord, rather than fear him (Matt. 22:37, Mk. 12:30, Lk. 10:27, Jn. 8:42, Jn. 14:15, 24, Jn. 21:15,16,17). Jesus only mentioned ‘fear of God’ in Matt. 10:28, because if we really have to fear anyone above all else in this life, it has to be God. He’s the only one who can destroy both the soul and body in hell. I honestly don’t want to go there, and I believe you don’t want to as well.
Meditating on the sayings of Jesus Christ in the scriptures, I have come to believe that He wants us to obey him and do His commandments based on Love and not Fear.
Jesus speaking… “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” – Matt. 22:37-39.
Jesus Speaking… “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” – John 14:15.
Jesus also asked Simon Peter 3 times, “…do you love me?” – John. 21:15,16,17.
Our Lord and Saviour wants us to do his commandments based on love and not on fear.
The ‘fear of God’ helps us to get started in a lot of things; fearfully keeping away from evil, etc. But it also makes it look like God seeks to punish us any time we make mistakes. It makes it look like God is a wicked fellow waiting for you to do wrong things and punish you.The ‘fear of God’ is a good starting point for our faith, and it will always help us to caution ourselves or reconsider our ways whenever we are doing the wrong thing. But to achieve more in Christ we need to go deeper and higher in his love.
The ‘love of God’ helps us to see him as caring, compassionate, merciful & gracious God that He is. If not, why would he call us friend or sons or heirs of salvation? The ‘love of God’ helps us to desire more and more of His presence, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and will. The ‘love of God’ helps us to say ‘more of you Lord and less of me’. Because we love him, we delight in Him, His ways, His commandments, and more. His commandments are not burdens any more. We want to see His glory cover the earth, we want to see His will done on Earth as it is in Heaven. His love in us helps us to go the extra mile in the good fight of faith. I mean, God gave Jesus Christ for our replacement, that we might be saved, because He loves us. And then, he made us His sons & daughters.
In Conclusion:
I can’t really exhaust this, but I hope this little light of mine, lights a fire in your spirit and soul, and causes you to desire to ‘love God’ more and more, because He loves you and wants you to love Him too. As a worshipper, worship leader, minister, believer, pastor…whatever, desire to focus more on the ‘Love of God’ and let it inspire you to deeper, wider & higher dimensions in Christ Jesus. So that your light may so shine before men and they may glorify your Father in Heaven. Hallelujah!!!
I’m really glad to be sharing this with you. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you share it with as many people as possible too.
God bless you.